Old English losian 'perish,
destroy', also 'become unable to find', from los 'loss'. Loose
from the Middle English, free from bonds.
We got lost. You looked at me
from the deep drifts
and your husband far ahead but
still visible, trudging up and down knee deep in snow. We're lost you
said, naming it and you shook your head because sure, I get lost a
lot and despite the obvious reach for the right philosophical attitude; you
know, like, enjoy being lost, life is all about being lost, sometimes
being lost is just being lost.
and anyway, all three of us were
wondering as the wind kept building
and the pretty snow flakes
falling straight begin to move sideways.
And I climb up to the top of
this wooded ravine hoping as I wade fast, anxious, through thigh deep snow,
hoping at the top to see the familiar and as I fail,
I hurry back down because we are
explorers now, trying to find our way
and your husband went another
way, and you stood there waiting
because your boots were filled
with the most snow and as you shake your head at me, you are thinking, of
course, we are lost, it's Margot! and I say, because it's true but I'm
feeling guilty, ashamed, but, but, do you still love me? half joking and half
not and you say, recognizing both, “always and forever,” and shake
your head again, laughing a little and the same thing, the same words a
few moments later bursts out of me with your husband, shaking his head at
me, and I say but do you still love me? and his yes, shaken head answer
and I carry them, the words, down the road with you both and onto the
porch of that farmhouse, that strange farmer, those phone calls and
eventual rescue.
And now I can say, I learned
something new from being lost. Lost is from lose, I looked it up, which
means, Middle English, lose the bonds and that's what I do.
I lose the bonds of the world, of
the trail, of the path. I am in the moment, isn't that supposed to be
good?, groan, I know! I lose my way but my friends and God/the universe
taught me... I'm anchored. I'm anchored always, to those who love me, whether
they are in the woods with me or somewhere else. See, I thought the lesson
was all about me; trying to work with my flaws, my mistakes and some of it
is, right? But knowing I am loved when I am trying not to do that thing I
always do and remembering it, when I am failing. ..isn't that more
And then, maybe this too: We've
all been lost some time, even if we don’t name it. We let loose the bonds
of our lives, we wander off course. So, today, I have this
to offer the next time you are
lost. You are not stupid, should not feel guilty
or ashamed, even if you are in
the midst of a huge forest you can’t see
your way out of. You try and I'll
try, to remember, in the midst of this mistake,
this being lost... we are loved.
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