Wednesday, May 1, 2024


They are out in the street, digging up the cement 

with huge metal claws. Beneath is the dried dirt,

full of pebbles. Below that are the water mains. 

The men tell me they are replacing the valves. 

May is an excavation; the separation of 

scar tissue exposing the skin, the red insides.

Swinging the metal claw around to descend 

almost silently, digging a bigger hole. 

So many birthdays. so many happy memories 

overlaying this month of spring. And so much 

excavated sorrow, sadness of the years we 

weren't together, the taste of grief, knowing 

we won't be together as a family again, 

going on five years. 

And last, because memories pair with memories, 

because this is life, I'll tell you this. I took Andrew 

when he was under 5, to watch the men excavate 

another street near our home. And because he was 5, 

had his own toy earth movers, watching those men dig 

made him literally dance with joy. 

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