Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Rilke said the air cannot be held

The Maple trees are shining 
with late winter gray. Lovely
twilight, the time of confusion, 
is turning the sky into layers 
of blue and lavender. 

This landscape is always familiar, 
because there are places
you recognize the first time 
you see them and you know, 
though you don't want to 
....the directions were buried 
in one of your brain's
compartments and the images
are tightly folded in a 
space inside.

This morning, standing in the
bathroom, I looked out the door
and thought about how many
times I got up fast, hurrying
for practices, lay there worrying
about how to get it all done and
what to do first, or, not enough,
woke up enjoying the peace
of waking, surrounded by family.

I can almost see it in the warm air
left over from a night of sleeping,
swirling over the top of rumpled
pillows, the bedspread not yet
pulled tight. Then, it's gone.
No matter how I was...mindful,
time is gone. It's my fault. 

I think of mindful as a bargain 
to be made with time. If I 
would just be mindful, time 
would slow or stay with me,
longer. It hasn't worked yet. 

I'm thinking now, time is 
more like air, taking on warmth 
and breath, dissolving all into 
an invisible sea. Felt as 
mysterious currents brushing by, 
seen as beauty in the tinted air 
of twilight.


Yesterday I saw two swans, flying low  and silent. My eyes caught  their glowing white. Later,  a pileated woodpecker soaring,  black wings ...