Friday, May 17, 2019

Blood and Air

Driving through
a pink dawn bathing the blue
dark. Night is passing
with a tired nod.

Across the silvered road
ahead, a plane flies too low,
engine stuttering. People watch at
the crossroad as I tilt my head,
thinking, Is this it? Is this the future?

I've forgotten I'm in a car,
cemented by gravity, in charge
of weight and motion. I can
accelerate. Choose to clutch at the
life I have, bargaining enough
to hold back death soaring
over my head.

A breath in reminds me of the
invisible. The comfort of a heart
working with blood and air.
Molecules are spinning light into
the road and whitening sky. We can
see beauty. It is enough.

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ANXIOUS BRAINS The deep freeze has stopped. I liked the stillness; the lack of movement and sound. . No bird song. The comfort of cocooning....