Sunday, March 19, 2023

Risk and discomfort

 I love this quote. I keep it on my desk. 

"If you don't experience your life, you're not going to come up with solutions for anything. Every intention, every achievement has come out of dissatisfaction, not serenity. No one ever said, "Things are perfect. Let's invent fire".  Fran Lebowitz

 I don't entirely agree with the use of the word "every". Some of my creative solutions come from play, from being calm and quiet. Some come in meditation! I agree being uncomfortable and/ or dissatisfied is a part of change. 

Risk from the Italian, riscario, riscare originally cliff and then "to run into danger". also a navigation term about stones, hazards at sea from the Italian. I think risk and discomfort get linked but deserve to be thought about on their own even if they are rightly, linked.

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