Monday, September 28, 2015

This day is a poem

This day is a poem where a blood red
moon will rise in a dark green landscape.
A lot of us will watch and some of us will
exclaim, talking out loud to an empty room.

This day is a poem where sound passes like 
time does when you are alone. First, it's a 
heavier force, stirring the light,
weaving through dust motes. Next,
a left behind silence is the end of
a prayer.

This day was a poem composed on a
blood red moon, in the company of ghosts,
while I was alone, seeing a current of time
weaving through light, talking out loud
to an empty room.

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Yesterday, my eyes  caught the glowing white of two  swans, flying low and silent.  Later,  a pileated woodpecker soaring,  black wings wide...