Wednesday, May 30, 2018


Stumbling into the back yard’s 
bent, blonde grasses
and a thicket of knobby saplings
lining the remnants of an
old, red car. 

Half exposed tires, wearily
fight invisible powers. 
Upholstery evidence of a howl 
is caught in the back seats’ chocolate 
ice cream stain. What’s inside a
holy emptiness anyway but 
metal and screams?

See those coiled, green buds 
nodding over the flattened hood?
Those small undertakers digging 
with white finger roots in Spring’s 
dense mud?

It’s only right. Green unfurls
into freedom until empty 
arrives with a deep purse, 
scattering pieces of need, 
to help us surrender 
to another dried darkness. 

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